Monday, January 30, 2012

Technology Inspiration and Valentines

Last week I found a blog that had Kindergarteners creating QR codes to showcase their learning. If Kindergarten can do it, certainly third graders can complete a similar activity. Students began by creating an XTranormal video that introduces our class. We entered the link from the video into a QR creator, and VIOLA we have a QR code that we can put outside our door. Visitors can scan the code with their smart phone and learn about our class before they even enter our room. I can't wait until math time this week to write ARMT practice problems and create QR codes that show how students solve the problems. What possibilities.
Changing the Subject:) I LOVE Pinterest. It has become, like many an obsession. I knew I wanted to do a picture Valentine for Little Man this year. I didn't want to do the sucker that I have seen all over Pinterest. I went on a quest to adapt. I found one that used glow sticks and one that used Hershey's Kisses but neither was exactly what I wanted. When I tried to take pictures of an uncooperative 2 year old, I got some cute pics and it finally ended up as this.